It is amazing the hoops CPS wants you to jump thru. They wanted us to take parenting classes and set them up. After we had done 7 weeks of them they changed their minds and said we needed to take them somewhere else. But then they wanted us to pay 100.00 each to take them. They demanded i take random drug and alcohol testing because they said my dad had told them I was a drunk and druggie. When they called I always went and passed every single test because it wasn't true. They wanted t do a DNA test on Clint to see if my father was his father. If I hadn't been so shocked about that one I would have found it funny. We knew where our kids were from the day we got out of jail. We had addresses, phone numbers and everything. Now I would think if we was such bad parents we wouldn't have been allowed that info. We was in court every other week for six months straight. If it wasn't over the kids it was over the failure to report abuse charges. And every two weeks it was rescheduled for two weeks later. We weren't allowed to be alone with the kids at all because they were afraid we would talk to them about the case. We were allowed phone calls from them every night but the foster parent had to listen to what was being said. The kids weren't allowed to tell us if they had gotten into trouble or if something was bothering them or they would be made to hang up. Geneva said the phone calls were not to be used for those things. We weren't to be alone with the kids at all so we had to find someone who would supervise visits but yet the workers on 2 different occasions got in the car and left us with the kids and foster parents.
We had the monthly visits at our home from the workers. We had weekly visits with the boys and only with Mindy if someone would supervise. Telling my daughter she couldn't come visit was wrong. It made her feel terrible. After all we had been thru and then she wasn't even allowed to visit when the boys did?
I called the worker every single day. If my kids told me something that had been done to them I called and threw a fit. I spent hours and hours on the phone with attorneys and online doing research and even reading law books on family law. I set up a camera or my phone every single time a worker came in my house or called and recorded everything. I wrote down and documented every phone call that came in or went out, every visit and I let them know I did it. I trusted no one anymore.
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