After much time and thought I have decided to start a blog. Will it help with the healing process? I don't know. Will it make everything in my life better? No I'm sure it won't. But if nothing else comes from this I will NOT stop until I expose Kentucky, CPS, The Kentucky State Police, Shelby County High School and everyone else involved in ruining our life. And you better believe I'm gonna name names and tell all! Also please feel free to comment on each blog or ask questions
August 4, 2011 was one of the worst days of my life. I re live this day every day and night. I don't think it will ever go away or get any better.That day was the start of my battle with CPS that would only get worse before it got better.
A month or so before we had taken my daughter who was 12 to the Doctor to be put on birth control because she was having troubles with her periods. The Doctor asked if she had ever had sex and she she said no except for what happened with Uncle Bill(changed for privacy). We was shocked. First we had heard of it.
The next day CPS worker Kate Jeffcoat was on our doorstep. Mindy (changed for privacy) wasnt home so we told the worker that we would bring her into the office as soon as she got home. That was our first mistake.
We took Mindy into the CPS office when she got home. Mindy was very upset and didn't want to talk to the workers. So I said if she didn't want to talk to them she didn't have to and Kate Jeffcoat rudely said if she didn't talk she would get a warrant and make her talk. Mindy being scared said she would talk.Us being stupid and not knowing the law said if she wanted to talk that was fine.
While Mindy was talking to one worker we were talking to Kate Jeffcoat and our boys Jeff(changed) who was 9 and Clint(changed) who was 14 was in another room playing.
The worker who had been talking to Mindy came in the room with us and told us that Mindy had been sexually molested by my 16 yr old mentally handicapped adopted brother Joe (changed for privacy). Our worlds fell apart. When had this happened, where had this happened, why had this happened and more questions came to mind.I felt sick. I felt guilt that this had happened to my child. I was mad at my brother. One by one details came out. That it had happened more then once, it had happened at my parents house and Mindy was afraid to tell us for fear she would be taken away.
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